please dont we love triothy
Mexican American loser from Texas. Few call me Gilbert. Mario, Sonic and Bomberman fan.
Age 17, Male
Kool Point Provider
Q*bert's School
Texas, USA
Joined on 7/3/20
please dont we love triothy
If you feel that it is not original you can also try making a rework rather than deleting him off to existance, so people won't feel bad of him dissapearing.
Triothy is amazing!!!! Everyone loves him!!
How about redesign him so he doesn't resemble Yoshi too much.
Don't give in to those goobers. We love Triothy! Triothy is a piece of newgrounds history, and so are you! just because a couple of ding a lings don't like your character doesnt mean anything!
Triothy for now, and Triothy forever!!!!
@Anonymous-Frog Your profile pic looks familiar.
don't listen to the people who say that. they're dingus' plain and simple.
I really like Triothy! :)
Triothy the leaping lizard is a Newgrounds hero! Please keep him, I would hate to see him go. Also screw those dweeb heads, they don't know what they're talking about. Draw whatever and whoever you want dude!
These jacklenutts don't know tit for tat. What comes pouring from that golden gourd of yours is nothing but the sweetest nectar. The shade of Michelangelo hangs low against the curtain of your stage. Gilbert, don't you even think about cutting free the joy of creation due to the naysayers. Create, no one has anything that is worth sacrificing the fruits of your labors. The approval of those short faced mongrels is not what you want. Valiantly travel unto the breach. Triothy Triothy Triothy
please keep triothy!! ignore all the nasty hate dude, triothy rules!!
Keep him! Frig those haters! You got the Power, anyone who opposes is fascist!
So I'm gonna say that you should keep them regardless if you feel they're original or not. If you've been drawing them for awhile and you enjoy that then that's all that matters. With that said if you really do feel like putting them away I think tweaking their design is the way to go. I've seen plenty of artists do that when in a similar situation to you. Regardless, I'm wishing you the best.
i think redesigning him would be the best way, make him look less yoshi lol
aw triothy
I don't know who Triothy is before reading this post, but just looking at your gallery, it looks like you put a lot of love into your OC. 0 reason why you should ditch them, imo, if Nintendo can shove like 300 toads into Origami King which look completely identical yet retain personalities of their own, you can with a yoshi!
Triothy was kinda inspired by the original Paper Mario games, but he's still supposed to be unique compared to the other Yoshisaurs.
I decided to design him with the intention that he is unique, basically.
But perhaps I didn't try hard enough, I suppose...
@AtreyuGilbert Don't know what gives you that idea while there's people in the comments telling you they love your char
@squidly some people i will not name kinda yelled at me at it and it has stuck with me for a while. i'm still deciding whether or not to get rid of triothy, still.
@AtreyuGilbert I encourage you to stand by your art
undertalekid12.exe has Stopped Working
It doesn't matter how original Triothy is, they're still your character and they're still special. Tritothy also means a lot to Newgrounds. Please reconsider and keep Triothy.