Hello again. If you have wondered where I have been for a while, I have a lot of things to say.
So sometime in June 17th of this year, my laptop battery decided that living was overrated, and died. That left me without a computer to use, and I had to be on my tablet for the longest time. Now obviously, that meant I didn't have access to any of my projects so now all I had was limited access to certain things. The day after, I got a cold and it seems like luck decided to toss me into the garbage. I spent my time reading the CWCki on my slow-ass tablet as I waited for my laptop to be sent back to me. It took almost a month for me to get it back, but unfortunately, they had to replace the whole thing, and that also meant I wouldn't get all my files back. I do have some of it backed up on other storage devices/services but everything on my laptop is just gone. I am still waiting for an update for when I'll get my files back but it seems unlikely. Who knew Best Buy would be so incompetent? Anyways, I am now just drawing art as I wait for everything to be restored.
I could explain other reasons for my inactivity but I do not feel like talking about it as it gets really personal.
I hope you all understand, and have a good day.
TL;DR I lost all my files and I caught a cold. There was also some real life stuff that is none of your business.