Mexican American loser from Texas. Few call me Gilbert. Mario, Sonic and Bomberman fan.
Age 17, Male
Kool Point Provider
Q*bert's School
Texas, USA
Joined on 7/3/20
Posted by AtreyuGilbert - April 1st, 2022
happy april fools everybody
be sure to tune in to the latest episode of charleyyyy and friends
Posted by AtreyuGilbert - March 18th, 2022
smoke weed every day waddeeddudee e aaayyy smo smo smo smoke smoke weed evy
thanks for 420 fans
Posted by AtreyuGilbert - March 11th, 2022
Thanks for 403 fans everyone! I don't have any cool things to show but I will do that whenever I can.
Hope you all have a good day and a nice spring break if that even exists!
Posted by AtreyuGilbert - March 10th, 2022
Today is Mario Day 2022 Today
Anyways idk what else to say, hope you all have a good mario day.
Posted by AtreyuGilbert - January 23rd, 2022
I've been wanting to make a post like this here for a while but now I think is the proper time to write this.
Hello again! My name is Atreyu, but you can also call me Gilbert! I make a variety of things, usually games and art.
This year, I have a bunch of plans for Newgrounds, but I might make stuff for and YouTube as well.
Here are some of my plans for 2022:
The big thing I have been thinking of extensively is lore regarding good old Triothy. Not sure about how it'll all work yet, but basically: Triothy is the Yoshi form of Trey, Trey is the human form of Triothy, and Treya comes from an alternate universe and might be a bit different from Trey.
I've been wanting to make a game based around all of this, but I'm not sure how that'd go.
I can't wait to see how this all turns out in the end.
As you saw with the CFrogger!! Arcade Mode demo I just released today, I have a lot of games and updates to previous games planned.
I may or may not finish them this year, but here are a list of the ones I have planned in particular:
Please stay tuned for all of these, but don't expect me to make any updates regarding them as I have a busy life and I may not focus on some of them. I also like to keep things as a secret but that's another story...
I am currently attempting to make a new art style, one that is a bit more detailed than before. It's probably not gonna be as prevalent as my games but yeah.
I might dabble in music or animation but I can't really do those yet.
I might do stuff like reviews and shit on YouTube and whatnot.